02:34 × Aszongya az asztrokomom a születésnapomon: "The keynote of your relationship with [my csajom] is erotic feeling. This relationship is likely to be very sexually fulfilling for you. Its romantic qualities are highly exciting to you, and not only because of the passion which is aroused in you. The way in which the two of you interact as a couple in the eyes of the world is likely to have a very positive effect on your partner's self-confidence and faith in life. The transformative potential of your relationship with [my csajom] may be greater than you realise." A csajom amúgy a tegnapi szülinapja után nyomi kis roki süsüvé feküdte magát.
02:37 × Minden más a tumbláron: a beautyfetishist meg a tothrobertjonas.